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+123 votes
What is an effective method to separate sand and sugar in a mixture?
by (4.1k points)

10 Answers

+97 votes
Best answer
dissolve it it water and filter it through paper. The sand will be in the paper and then sugar will be dissolved in the water. you can let the water evaporate and you will have the sugar back.
by (4.8k points)
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0 votes
if you want sand then burn it,if you want sugar then add water,pour it into a seive and let it dry.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Add hot water to it - the sugar will dissolve in the water; leaving the sand behind. Then you remove all the sand, and heat the water to remove the sugar from the water.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Add some ants.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
H2O easy filter the sand and then crystalize the sugar back in its original form
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Yes it is right that you can separate by means of dissolving it to water, since sand is not water solouble and it will be easily segregated. However, if you will use water to filter it up IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR SUGAR TO BE BROUGHT BACK EVEN BY EVAPORATION as what some people believed above me. Sugar, once dissolve in water can only be seen via microscope. Because of water's polar bond, it becomes a great solvent for all substances, thus making sugar as its solute.. . So in conclusion, Yes you can separate it by the means of water, but I want to emphasize that the dissolution of sugar in H20 will cause irreversible result to which there would be no such process to bring it back again from its original form. . If you know any, let me know
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Easily,Get a very thinly meshed strainer.Add warm water and. rinse for a few minutes .The sugar melts and is seperated from the sand still in the strainer.Then I suppose the liquid will eventually evaporate thus leaving a sugar residue.But in the dry state that would be really impossible. You can use a cotton candy machine..That will definately seperate the sugar from the sand.But the sand may damage the cotton candy machine.Sand is the ingrediant. in glass.Glass only melts at very high temperatures.. A cotton candy machine is not high enough in tempeture to melt the sand but it will melt the sugar.Then you. can possibly dry out the cotton candy ,which is spun sugar. and pretty much crush it back into sugar .The sugar will. be seperated from the sand..(for the most part"!. You can even make your own rock candy !!With a jar some . string and sugar water..I am not certain the exact . ingredients..But you can seperate the sand from the sugar this way also..You use a glass jar with a lid some string attached to the inside of the lid with a metal slug,washer,ring attached to the string just above the sand . sugar liquid(of course water)Over time the washer will begin to form clear sugar crystals.That look like ice.. I don't think the sand will effect this)Its sugar candy. or rock candy(old)...There are many ways...These are the most fun!And if you heat sugar to a very high tempeture. and add clear karo syrup,even extract flavors)..and food coloring!You can make . lollipops...(hard candy)
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
dissolve the sugar out of the sand right?. the person up above knows what they are talking about
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
>>>>So in conclusion, Yes you can separate it by the means. >>>>of water, but I want to emphasize that the dissolution. >>>>of sugar in H20 will cause irreversible result to which . >>>>there would be no such process to bring it back again . >>>>from its original form. . Sorry, but that's utter bullplop.. . >>>>>>If you know any, let me know. . As several others have said, evaporative concentration works perfectly.. . Really dude, where do you think sugar comes from? It doesn't come from packets, it's extracted form pllants. Have you ever seen a plant that wasn't 90% or more water?. . If the dissolution of sugar in water causes an irreversible reuslt how exactly do you think they get sugar from plants in the first place?
by (4.1k points)